What is Lovemor?

If you’ve never heard of Lovemor,
Here’s your chance to find out,
What all the hullabaloo,
And the noise is about.
Where we created a world,
Where everything is fair,
Then we write about feelings,
And creatures that care.
The Loveez teach people,
Just like you and me,
To live without worries,
That we are ALL worthy!
They all have their struggles,
Their doubts and their fears,
Just like people, not perfect,
But they’ve learned through the years.
The difference we face,
Between the Loveez and us…
Is that while we are divided,
They show nothing but love.
We are welcomed to Lovemor,
Come one and come all,
Whether you’re blonde or purple,
Or hairy or small.
Because no one is perfect,
We all have our flaws.
Still, everyone is welcome,
To a worthy applause.
But if you’re found with a heart,
That is covered in pride…
The world will be veiled,
And Lovemor will hide…
This world is for those,
Who spread love, and not pain.
Who have learned, without peace,
There is NOTHING to gain..
No war, no fighting…
No “top” place to compete.
We are equal, and worthy,
And each one is elite….
We all have our strengths,
And we’ve all been through pain,
But there’s no black and white,
For we all bleed the same.
We are similar, and different,
But we all have a bond,
That goes past The Great Divide,
And even beyond…
So, what is Lovemor, you ask?
It’s a place of pure bliss,
Where you’re free to be you,
Without feeling dismissed.
Because it chases every heart,
To the depths of your soul,
And starts the healing - compassion,
That makes everyone whole.
Lovemor, like heaven,
A place from above,
Shows everyone they’re worthy,
And deserving of love!

For a more in depth image of various part of LoveMor.