Doll Care


So you’ve brought your art home, now what? It’s natural for them to get a little bit dusty from time to time, but how will you care for it?

There’s a few things you can safely DO:

  • DO use a dry q-tip to gently rub the surface
  • DO use a clean, dry paint brush or makeup brush to remove dust and dirt
  • DO use a dry cloth or piece of napkin to remove lint
  • DO move your art piece periodically, if it’s in a sunny window
  • DO use a dab of superglue to glue back together any broken parts that may have been broken
  • DO use your fingers to very gently adjust the hair (if the hair is realistic, not clay hair)

Here are a few things you should NOT DO:

  • DO NOT get them wet
  • DO NOT use any harsh chemicals on your piece
  • DO NOT place them outside
  • DO NOT leave them in direct sunlight for an extended period of time
  • DO NOT place anywhere it could get hot, such as a hot car in the summer or near an oven
  • DO NOT rub any parts except very gently so none of the paint or shimmers rub off
  • DO NOT bend any parts as they may break
  • DO NOT try to “brush” realistic doll hair

If your art piece happens to find an accidental break, don’t fret. Superglue works wonders for a clean break. If your art piece is broken worse and you still aren’t sure what to do, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have!