Considering a Custom?

I am always so excited when a customer reaches out to me and asks for a custom order. It’s such a fun challenge to make something that I otherwise may not have thought of on my own! So if you are considering a custom order for yourself, here is some information to consider…

☀️ The first thing to think about is what LoveMor character do you want for a custom order? Since I do not accept custom orders for Gloomeez, that means that there is an option for Loveez or Humans. When I add a custom order to my shop, the price is always for a Loveez, but if you are wanting a custom order for a Human character, you may discuss your idea with me in messages. I will then create a new listing for you with the remainder of the upgrade price. (I must know the idea of your character before giving the final price, as the price depends completely on the design and amount of details on the sculpture.)

☀️ Next, I will need to know the theme of your character. This could be anything from a doll that looks like you, to a Loveez that looks like a fruit. A few theme ideas include but are not limited to: outer space, rainbow, glittery, mermaid, fairy, nature, weather, etc. 

☀️ Some other things you get to choose for your character:

  • the name of your character
  • eye color
  • skin color
  • hair color and style
  • fingernails (dolls only)
  • outfit/dress (dolls only)
  • shoes (dolls only)
  • accessories
  • sidekick or pet
  • some ideas to go into the poem

Loveez may have clothes in special orders, but generally they are not clothed. These “rules” are not completely set in stone and could change depending on the idea you have. This is just a general starting point. 

☀️ If at anytime, you are not sure about a specific choice, I will fill in anything extra, such as if you can’t think of a name for your character, I have no problem choosing one. If you have no ideas for the poem, I will come up with my own idea that is fitting for the theme of the character.

☀️ Please remember, this is a custom order. That means you are paying me to create what you want. It is an idea that you come up with mostly and I will help you build on it. I will not choose the entirety of the character for you because then it isn’t a custom order anymore. 

- Once you have finished reading this, you are ready to send me a message! You may choose to email me or message me on Instagram.

Thank you for reading this far and for your interest/support in a custom art piece from LoveMor!

Big hugs,

Lish Cooke