Happy Halloween!!! 11-1-24 Art Drop

Happy Halloween!!! 11-1-24 Art Drop

Hey y’all, 

I hope this message finds you doing well! It’s been a busy month over here at the homestead. I’ve decided to cut out ALL processed foods (a task that has proved larger than life). On top of that, it’s the beginning of the holiday season! Both of my boys share end of the year birthdays so we’ve been spring cleaning and prepping for all the fun things. I know it’s not everyone’s choice, but Christmas is my fav holiday, so I love it when this season comes around!

I also wanted to announce that *of course* none of these sculptures will arrive by Halloween, but I know most like to keep them out all year!

I couldn’t get Emmett to take a smiling pic. Haha. They both love cracking jokes.



✨  Lastly, I am adding ONE spot for a custom order to my shop. This will be a FIRST COME FIRST SERVE and will likely be the ONLY custom order I offer for the remainder of this year. ✨


Here’s the cuties we will have in today’s update!


Declan the Friendly Tooth

$129 + shipping


Toasty and Eggy

$136 + shipping



$148 + shipping



Lovemor Pumpkin Patch

- Grumpy Gourd

$64 + shipping


- Cutie Patootie

$64 + shipping


- Frankenkin

$73 + shipping


Thank you all so much for your continued love and support! 

Remember always, YOU MATTER!!! <3

XOXO Lish 🙏🏻

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